National Schools
Literature Festival
Event 4: Choral Speaking
(for Lower Secondary Students)

Note: This event will not be held in 2025.
Choral speaking is the "reading or reciting of a text by a group. Preparation for a performance may involve interpretation of the text; experimentation with language, rhythm, volume, pace, and different numbers of voices; and rehearsal." - Source: 2009 Ontario Arts Curriculum. http://code.on.ca/resource/choral-speaking
No. of teams
Schools should NOT send more than 1 team per school.
Video Consent Form
As NSLF 2023 is an online event, schools will be asked to submit the video consent form at the point of registration. Schools are responsible for obtaining the consent of the students' parents/guardian. Click on the "Registration" tab to download this form.
For ideas of possible poems, check out Little Things: An anthology of poetry.
Watch this video to get a sample of choral speaking