National Schools
Literature Festival

Keeping the Flame Alive!
About NSLF
The National Schools Literature Festival (NSLF) is a literary festival for students in Singapore and has provided a powerful platform to develop students’ passion and love for literature.
Theme: Keeping the flame alive
The goals of the NSLF are:
To bring Literature teachers together with a shared mission and purpose.
To provide a platform which teachers can use to enthuse and inspire their students in studying Literature.
To motivate more students to take Literature at the upper secondary level.
The NSLF is a ground-up event that was started in 2005. It is collaboratively organized by teachers from various schools with support from organizations including the Ministry of Education, National Institute of Education, National Arts Council and Singapore book Council.
Schools that have participated in the festival previously have testified that their students have become more motivated in studying the subject; have gained more confidence in articulating their opinions and viewpoints in public; and have gained new perspectives of their literary text as they are exposed to diverse viewpoints about the text.